Once upon a time, we humans got cavities, and our dentists filed the holes. The doc saw a blemish in a tooth, and said, "ooh. That's going to blow up on you. We better nip that in the bud with a filling." Well, that was great then. But researchers and dentists figured out that a simple filling in a tooth is a ticket for that tooth to graduate to more extensive restorations over time, which in some cases leads to total tooth failure.
Dental care providers and research has also discovered that the mouth has an amazing ability to heal itself, and teeth are no different. In fact, given the right environment, Those blemishes (or what dentists call early cavities) can heal or remineralize. And that approach is the most effective strategy for what we now call dental medicine.
Your teeth will suffer from an acid attack in the form of what you eat or drink, or from the acid attack of bacteria. If you can control bacteria, maintain a neutral pH in your mouth managing your food and drink, and maintain healthy saliva, you can beat cavities. That's where your modern dentist can really be helpful. He or she can interview you, assess your risk for cavities, and recommend a strategy for how to deal with acid attack and remineralize your teeth if necessary. So your checkups are even more important thatn ever to allow your dentist to touch base with you about your self-care and the helpful assistance they can provide.
In addition to regular visits, here's a few ways you can treat and prevent tooth decay (from AGD Impact, a news magazine for dentists):
1) Eat more arginine (in spinach, nuts, seafood).
2) Brush with baking soda. Or sprinkle baking soda on your toothpaste.
3) Have an application of chlorhexidine varnish applied to your teeth at your cleanings to reduce bacteria buildup.
4) At-risk patients can use xylitol gum or lozenges.
5) consider a remineralizing toothpaste called MI Paste.
6) some bacteria can live in fluoride. Ask you doctor about treating teeth with something other than fluoride.
Give us a call and we'll book your appointment to show you the strategy that's best for you!