Tuesday, December 14, 2010
What's Your Dental Score?
Your dental health should be just as easy to identify. In the past, it hasn't been easy to understand where you stand on your health, much less how your mouth is doing. There's a lot of factors that come into play when you are talking with your doctors about your level of risk and if you have a significant level of disease--it can get pretty overwhelming.
Enter MyDentalScore.com, a new tool used to more easily identify your risk for disease. The website offers a comprehensive analysis of your dental health, by analyzing several key details about your mouth and summarizing with an easy to understand score. Your scores will guide you in making the best decisions about how to care for the three most common diseases in dentistry: cavities, periodontal disease, and oral cancer.
Give us a call or drop us some email to discuss how to address your scores today!
Monday, December 6, 2010
No concussions=Hoop Dreams
Believe it or not, one of the most underrated aspects of dental trauma is associated brain trauma, or concussion. In contact sports, players will commonly experience brain trauma in a collision WITHOUT a protective oral sports guard. A blow to the jaw or face usually transmits traumatic forces to the head. When a sports guard is used, those forces are absorbed, and greatly reduces the risk of concussion.
When I interview patients that play sports, I have found that many of them don't use a sports guard for basketball, soccer, and baseball. There is significant risk of dental and brain trauma in these sports, but conventional wisdom has kept many athletes from investing in a sports guard.
There are many types of sports guards available in drugstores and sports stores, and those are better than nothing at all. But they often warp, distort, and lose their protective functions when they have been used for a while. The real protection from dental trauma and concussion comes from professionally-constructed sports guards. The best models keep their shape, deflect traumatic forces, and stay comfortable. They are dual-laminate, meaning they are made from multiple layers of soft and hard materials.
That being said, I feel it is important to put our hat in the ring as a dental practice who is proud of their athlete patients. Cascadia Dentistry will offer all Stanwood-Camano school basketball players a custom-made single-laminate sports guard at no cost when they come in for routine exam, x-rays, and hygiene procedures. They are normally about $175-200, but we want to make them for free express our support for the safety of school district athletes this basketball season.
Have fun this season, and stay safe!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Insurance benefits for 2010
At Cascadia, we want to help you understand your dental insurance plan as well as possible. As a courtesy, we will review your plan benefits for you at any time. We know that insurance plans aren't going to cover all dental costs, but they are a benefit provided by employers to defray the costs of dentistry for you. We want to help you maximize the use of your benefits.
So give us a call today. You can still take advantage of 2010!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
October is Cancer Awareness Month!

At Cascadia, we are concerned with lowering your risk for oral cancer. Because the signs and symptoms are usually missed by the naked eye, the disease is usually detected late in development, when the mortality rate is 50%. When found early, oral cancer patients have a nearly 90% survival rate. A new reason for concern has surfaced in the past few years, and it's associated with patients over the age of 17—the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). It's the same virus that causes cervical cancer in women. It presents a 5x increase in presentation of oral cancer under the age of 40. But Dr. Rafoth has the Identafi 3000 Ultra, a new device that can detect oral cancer before it becomes apparent on a conventional examination.
During the month of October, Cascadia Dentistry will provide a free oral cancer screening with the Identafi 3000 Ultra to all patients when they receive an examination and hygiene procedures. Contact us today for an appointment!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Quality Control for Your Dental Implants

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Happy Summer 2010
It's been a while since you saw a post from us. Dr. Rafoth has been in the mountains and on the coast all summer with his family and friends. Here's a shot of him doing what he loves best--climbing in the Cascades. He recently returned from a successful climb up the north side of Mount Adams.
We hope you have been enjoying your summer, and maintaining excellent health. We look forward to seeing you at the office for your next checkup!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Let us know how we're doing
Monday, July 12, 2010
We do high-tech oral surgery, too!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Implants for hopeless teeth

Implants can really change your life. Call us for a free consultation with an exam and x-rays (Value $205) to discuss how we can help you!
Monday, May 24, 2010
One-day smile makeover--direct veneers
Direct composite veneers are much less expensive than costly veneer treatments which usually require cutting or trimming tooth structure. She was thrilled with the outcome, and so were we! Call us today for a free consultation (value $165) to find out if direct veneers a re the right choice for you.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Fellowship Achieved for Implant Dentistry
This advanced degree in implant surgery and implant dentistry was presented after he completed an extensive hands-on training program. Although he has been performing implant surgery since 2000, Dr. Rafoth wanted to continue his education and improve his surgical techniques with ongoing training.
Our office is providing the latest advances and procedures for implant dentistry, including computed tomography (CT) imaging, computer-aided implant placement, mini dental implants, bone grafting, and more.
We are certain that implants can change the lives of our patients, becasue we have seen the results with many patients we have treated! If you want to feel confident about eating, speaking, and smiling again, call our office today for a free consultation (value $205) to see how implants can help you.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
The standard for oral cancer screening is here!
The Identafi 3000 is easy for to use, is comfortable for you, and can better identify signs of cancer at an earlier stage than the traditional "see and feel" oral cancer screening.
We perform an annual screening with the Identafi 3000 for all our patients. There is a reasonable cost associated with this service. But the value of early detection outweighs the cost of treatment and rehabilitation associated with advanced-stage oral cancer.
Call us today to schedule an examination that includes the Identafi 3000. For more about the instrument, visit http://www.trimira.net/.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Medical Evaluation for Periodontal Disease
The same methods are now being applied in dentistry for periodontal disease. Specific tests are important for identifying the presence of infection, the effects of infection on your body, and the presence of genes that put you at greater risk for the disease.
In our office, we see many patients have medical complications as well as conventional dental problems. But when we review their medical history, and find risk factors for periodontal disease, we work with the patient's doctors to run specific tests. These tests can detect harmful bacteria, identify abnormal inflammation, find the gene for gum disease, or identify when other medical conditions are liable to cause problems with oral health. With that specific information, we can treat them using the proper procedures. We also use medical testing to confirm that patients are recuperating after we treat them.
There is a service, called OralDNA Labs, that is now doing many of these tests for patients at the dental office instead of going to their physician. For more information about these tests, visit www.oraldnalabs.com. To discuss how we can help you treat periodontal disease or medical evaluations for your oral health, call us today!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
How We Decided to Offer Sedation Dentistry
Before we offered sedation to patients, there were a number of steps we had to take. First, I wanted my team well-educated and trained to administer safe sedation to patients. We took an extensive amount of time at several continuing education facilities. And I make sure that they receive regular reviews of all sedation procedures and emergency protocols. Being a part of the Dental Organization for Conscious Sedation (DOCS) keeps me and my team up-to-date about all aspects of sedation dentistry.
Next, I made sure that we were prepared with the right equipment and medications to monitor patients, and manage their needs. And I made sure that we arranged to focus on one patient's care at a time while they were under sedation.
I know many patients who want sedation are also in need of high-level rehabilitation--in a lot of cases, that means significant amounts of dentistry. So I prepared my practice to provide comprehensive care. That means we are trained to perform the standard of care not only for fillings, crowns, and cleanings, but also for oral surgery, root canals, dentures, gum surgery, and implants.
Finally, offering a comfortable environment that provides "TLC" and high-level customer service is necessary to work out details for people who require sedation or comprehensive care. This means we spend the time it takes to listen to a patient's specific needs and desires. We discuss how we can realistically and reasonably offer sedation dentistry to get them what they want.
It has been really rewarding for me to know that we have treated so many patients with sedation dentistry that would otherwise never be able to improve their dental health. The preparations to offer sedation have really paid off, because we know we are providing safe and effective ways to keep them comfortable during care.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Another Bleaching Success Story

Monday, March 22, 2010
Periodontal Disease is a dangerous medical condition!
The good news? We developed a successful program several years ago for treating periodontal disease. We work with your physicians and medical specialists to make sure this disease is managed the right way.
Periodontal disease is also a chronic inflammatory disease. And inflammatory diseases can complicate several other diseases, including chronic pulmonary disease, arthritis, pneumonia, and diabetes. Not only is periodontal disease a confirmed factor in these problems, but there is current research being conducted to prove how it can trigger or influence more diseases, like pancreatic cancer and Alzheimer's.
This problem is a double-edged sword--problems with oral health can create problems with your medical health, and vice-versa. But we have experience solving these issues directly with your physician. And that results in reducing your risk.
Open this link for more information on the medical importance of good oral health. Contact us for an appointment today!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Referral Awards!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010
Oral Cancer Update
Exposure to human papilloma virus (HPV) is the fastest growing factor in acquiring oral cancer. It is the same virus that is responsible for cervical cancer in women.
HPV presents a 5x increase in the risk for oral cancer under the age of 40.
HPV can be acquired through sexual contact.
What does this mean? All patients over the age of 17 should be screened every year for oral cancer by their dentist. The detection of oral cancer with the naked eye is important, but by the time it is detected visually, the mortality rate is about 50% The technology is improving so that it can be diagnosed earlier, and treated more successfully--with an almost 90% cure rate.
Two types of technology are available for dentists now, the Velscope and Identafi 3000. Both use special wavelengths of light to identify abnormal oral tissue.
The other important part of reducing oral cancer risk is making appropriate lifestyle changes. Eliminating tobacco use, reducing alcohol intake, and eating a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits are important. And having a doctor or health professional provide screening, testing, or treatment women at risk for HPV is also essential to reducing oral cancer risks. Learn more about HPV at the CDC website.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Six Month Braces Case

Results after just 4 months of braces, Deep Bleaching and replacement of the failing filling on the upper left front tooth.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Spring is Coming!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Dr. Rafoth and his dad, Dr. Rafoth
I thought I would share an older post from his website. I contributed an article about the research and management of tooth decay when you are a high-performance cyclist.
Happy riding!
Monday, February 15, 2010
"I don't need toothpaste to get clean?"
Researchers are unified in the fact that excellent plaque removal is based on the length of time you brush. In fact, a dry brush is more effective, say some researchers, because patients can actually feel when the plaque is being removed. Toothpaste masks the truly clean feel your tongue can detect.
So brushing for 2-3 minutes is the most ideal time it takes to remove the most plaque and bacteria.
Don't ignore the power of today's toothpaste products, though. The best toothpastes contain ingredients that remineralize and protect the enamel surfaces, as well as desensitize your teeth. The notion that toothpaste is needed as an abrasive is outdated. The older toothpastes on the market may contain pumice, silica, and other abrasives that can speed up tooth erosion or abrasion. Contact us today for the best recommendations on the right toothpaste for you.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Cascadia's Weekly Prescription

Monday, February 1, 2010
Stabilizing Loose Teeth
We can stabilize teeth and increase their lifespan. If we can anchor loose teeth successfully, and treat the source of the loose teeth, those questionable teeth can survive longer.

Combining splinting with treatments for bite problems or treating periodontal disease can prevent premature tooth loss.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Cascadia's weekly prescription
I have been reviewing literature and websites for several years, and feel that the Academy for Dental Sleep Medicine is a decent resource for learning more about diagnosis and treatment for the disease. This site also offers you a self-test to determine if you should visit a doctor to determine if you can be treated for this debilitating disease. You can also visit our site to take the self-test.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Precision Implant Surgery
We are now a certified SimPlant office. Using 3-D SimPlant technology, We can plan implant surgery with digital precision, and perform your implant surgery with confidence AND digital accuracy. We work with CT scan specialists to plan your surgery before you even enter our office for treatment.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Cascadia's weekly Prescription
Many of the services we offer at Cascadia can be researched at this site.
Preventing Bone Atrophy
We have become experts at preventing bone loss when teeth are lost. We now perform bone grafts when teeth are extracted, which preserves bone needed for tooth replacement and prevents collapse in that area. We also offer dental implants to prevent long-term bone loss. Implants have been proven to maintain healthy bone without atrophy.
Preventing atrophy means you retain bone for secure dentures, maintain your natural smile, and improve the outcome when replacing your missing teeth. Call us today for a consultation to see if grafting or implants could help you!
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Inaugural Blog!
Our primary website is http://www.cascadiadentistry.com/.
I'll be dedicated to adding pages and links to information about high-quality dentistry, health, and general wellness on a regular basis. It's important to discuss not only the services we provide , but also let you into our personal lives every now and then. You can go directly to each of our main pages here:
Patients are saying great things about our office! Read testimonials about our care.
Our Services. We are proud to offer 6 Month Braces, implant dentistry, peridontal surgery, root canals, and sedation dentistry for our patients, as well as routine fillings and cleanings.
Our Team. We have set the standard for customer service. Contact us today to set up an appointment online!
Patient Resources. Book your visit online, access patient information and forms, find easy financing for dentistry, and be a part of our referral rewards program.
Contact Us. We love to meet new patients! Book your appointment online, leave us an email, or give us a call. Access directions and maps for your convenience.
It would mean a lot to me if you would leave comments on the blog posts, or drop me an email at chris@cascadiadentistry.com.