Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Preventing Bone Atrophy

When teeth are lost, the supporting bone starts to dissolve. This is called bone atrophy. This creates a number of difficulties for patients. Dentures become loose and painful. Bone support is lost for existing teeth. Losing bone causes the smile to collapse, and makes it hard to restore a natural-looking smile. It also creates problems with tooth replacement near sinus areas, because the bone becomes very thin. The video below shows more about this issue.

We have become experts at preventing bone loss when teeth are lost. We now perform bone grafts when teeth are extracted, which preserves bone needed for tooth replacement and prevents collapse in that area. We also offer dental implants to prevent long-term bone loss. Implants have been proven to maintain healthy bone without atrophy.

Preventing atrophy means you retain bone for secure dentures, maintain your natural smile, and improve the outcome when replacing your missing teeth. Call us today for a consultation to see if grafting or implants could help you!

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