Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Another Bleaching Success Story

After using the Kor Deep Bleaching procedure for tooth whitening in our office for several years, we still find it incredibly satisfying to hear how Deep Bleaching changes patient's lives.

A recent article illustrates how patients who have had lifelong tooth staining can get excited when tooth whitening is accomplished.

Treating darkened teeth in 2 simple visits at our office with the Kor procedure can give you a whiter smile than any other professional whitening system available. I know, because not only have I performed bleching procedue for patients with the lasers, lights, and super-concentrated bleaches, I have also been a patient!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Periodontal Disease is a dangerous medical condition!

Several years ago, I realized the impact periodontal disease has on overall health. It is connected to several of the top ten causes of death in our country: heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and a few others. Oral bacteria from periodontal disease is the link in these killer diseases.

The good news? We developed a successful program several years ago for treating periodontal disease. We work with your physicians and medical specialists to make sure this disease is managed the right way.

Periodontal disease is also a chronic inflammatory disease. And inflammatory diseases can complicate several other diseases, including chronic pulmonary disease, arthritis, pneumonia, and diabetes. Not only is periodontal disease a confirmed factor in these problems, but there is current research being conducted to prove how it can trigger or influence more diseases, like pancreatic cancer and Alzheimer's.

This problem is a double-edged sword--problems with oral health can create problems with your medical health, and vice-versa. But we have experience solving these issues directly with your physician. And that results in reducing your risk.

Open this link for more information on the medical importance of good oral health. Contact us for an appointment today!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Referral Awards!!!

We want to thank our patients for spreading the good word about our office. To celebrate, we are promoting a referral awards day on June 1, 2010.
The person who refers the most patients to our practice between now and 6/1/10 will receive a gift package. It includes a dinner for 2 in Stanwood (value $120) and a movie package to Stanwood Cinemas for 2 (value $30). We will personally deliver the gift to your door on June 2, 2010!

You can refer friends or family members through our website, or call us at 360.629.7229.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Oral Cancer Update

Oral cancer is becoming more prevalent in non-smokers and non-drinkers. And the growth rate for oral cancer has jumped considerably in the past few years.

Exposure to human papilloma virus (HPV) is the fastest growing factor in acquiring oral cancer. It is the same virus that is responsible for cervical cancer in women.

HPV presents a 5x increase in the risk for oral cancer under the age of 40.

HPV can be acquired through sexual contact.

What does this mean? All patients over the age of 17 should be screened every year for oral cancer by their dentist. The detection of oral cancer with the naked eye is important, but by the time it is detected visually, the mortality rate is about 50% The technology is improving so that it can be diagnosed earlier, and treated more successfully--with an almost 90% cure rate.

Two types of technology are available for dentists now, the Velscope and Identafi 3000. Both use special wavelengths of light to identify abnormal oral tissue.

The other important part of reducing oral cancer risk is making appropriate lifestyle changes. Eliminating tobacco use, reducing alcohol intake, and eating a diet rich in fresh vegetables and fruits are important. And having a doctor or health professional provide screening, testing, or treatment women at risk for HPV is also essential to reducing oral cancer risks. Learn more about HPV at the CDC website.