Thursday, January 23, 2014

Why do my child's teeth appear so yellow?

As a Dental Assistant here at Cascadia Dentistry we come across a variety of common questions.  A recent question brought up by one of our assistants was:

Why do my child's teeth appear so yellow?

This is a very common questions for I also had the same questions about my own daughter when her adult were coming in.

Assuming the child has not injured their teeth; in most cases it is normal for the permanent teeth to look darker or yellow. It's actually considered to be an optical illusion! The baby teeth are actually nick-named "milk-teeth" because of their bright, white color. When permanent teeth come in next to them, it gives them the appearance of being very yellow. Our permanent teeth have thicker layers of underlying dentin (layer of tooth beneath the outer enamel) which naturally has hues of yellow, red, or grey.
Above all, remember to check with us so that we can perform a thorough exam and definitively rule out trauma, infection, and developmental disturbances in the tooth's formation.

Lead Dental Assistant

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