Monday, June 24, 2013

The Less I See You, The Better!

I think it's common knowledge that humans with teeth go to the dentists twice a year. But I hope to give you a better explanation for why it's a good thing.

Maintenance or hygiene visits are all about risk management. Most patients have a measurable amount of risk for tooth decay and periodontal disease. If you have had a history of tooth decay, for example, that's a standard that holds true in evidence-based literature: You are susceptible to decay, therefore, you should have an inspection done every 6 months.There's a lot of risk factors to consider. But your dentist can help you understand what those are.  Here at our office, we issue a risk management sheet explaining your factors for decay and how to treat those risks.

Periodontal disease is similar, but there are different factors to consider. If you are a smoker, a diabetic, or have a history of gum and bone damage from an infection, you should see the dentist at least twice a year. For some people, those factors don't exist. If you don't have any risk of decay, and you don't have a history of gum disease, you probably don't need to see me so much. That's why it's not necessary to see all patients twice a year.  Some patients only need to be seen once annually for examination. The cliche still holds true: Flossing Each Day Keeps the Doctor Away.

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